Basic C and C++ interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

February 21, 2022

C and C++ are the commonly and widely applied languages used in technology. These two together represents a perfect combination of both high- and low-level language features. Basic C and C++ interview Questions helps to judge the capability and the talent of the candidate. Further, it informs the interviewer if the candidate can use complex data structures. Interviewers recruiting for IT and software systems generally ask these questions. Knowledge of C and C++ are the basic requirements for getting a desired job in the software industry. These languages always come in handy making the output process faster.

Here are a few questions that will help you to crack any interview. If you are a fresher and just starting, these questions will guide you. These are the questions answered by professionals and trained people.

C and C++ interview Questions And Answers

c++ interview questions

1. When we talk about data security, which is better, C or C++?

Data security is essential while working in the IT industry. The risk of breaches in data security is higher in C and C++ where data is secured by using classes, access specifiers, and encapsulation.

2. Which languages support inline function, C or C++?

Inline functions are not supported by C, but C++ uses inline functions and macros.

3. What are keywords?

They are the basic words that have a specific meaning and cannot be changed.

4. What are the tokens in C?

Token is the basic component of the smallest size of source code.

c language interview questions

Another C and C++ interview question includes externs in C.

5. What are externs in C?

It is a keyword that extends the visibility of variables of C and C++.


6. How many keywords do C languages support?

There are 32 keywords in the C language.

7. How many keywords do C++ languages support?

There are 52 keywords in the C++ language.

8. What are the main features of c programming and C++ programming?

Main features of C programming is: It is a procedural, bottom-up approach system programming language. It does not support classes and objects.

The main features of C++ programming are: It is object-oriented, bottom-up approach rich library support in form of the standard template library.

9. What is procedural language?

Here the program revolves around functions. The entire problem is broken down into several functions. The procedural language focus is on getting things done.

10. What is an Object-oriented programming language?

Another set of C and C++ Interview Questions and Answers for freshers includes object-oriented programming. This programming language focuses on the object and class more.

11. What are the types of errors in C?

The two types of errors in C are compilation-time errors and run time errors.

12. What is an assembler?

An assembler is nothing but a conversion mechanism, converting assembly language to machine language.

13. What is a compiler?

A compiler is nothing but something that changes high-level language into machine language.

14. What is the header file?

Header file or library file contains a set of functions, a definition and a prototype of the program.

15. Can we create our our header file?

Yes, you can do so by using the # include directive with the name of the header file.

16. How can we convert strings into numbers?

We can convert strings into numbers by the declaration of ‘char []’ as a string array. But when the string declared as above is passed between the functions, there is no guarantee of such change.

17. What is typedef?

It is a keyword used in C and C++ to give meaning to certain existing variables.

18. What is operator overloading in C++?

C and C++ operator overloading. means the ability to have more than one function of the same name but with different parameters.

19. What is a copy constructor in C++?

Copy constructor in C++ is a special constructor creating a new object for existing object. This is used to initialize the object.

20. What is a pointer? Does the C language support pointers?

A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of an object. Pointers are used in C and C++ to allocate new objects on the heap, to pass functions and to align elements in different data.

21. Define objects in C++?

The basic C and C++ interview questions require you to know about objects in C++. Object C++ means a data structure that encapsulates data and functions in a single construct.

22. Define Encapsulation in C++?

Tt simply means storing or wrapping up the data in a single unit.

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C and C++ are the prime languages yet the most commonly used. To excel in this field of technology and software, you need to be aware of these two languages. The above-mentioned questions can be used by freshers and as well as professionals. All of these questions deal with the concepts that will allow interviewers to access your knowledge.
