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React Native Training in Ahmedabad

React Native Course in Ahmedabad The demand for React Native developers has been rising in recent years due to the increasing popularity of mobile apps and the benefits of using it for app development. According to a survey, the percentage of developers using React Native in their projects increased by almost 50% in the last 5 years.

If you are looking for a career in React Native, LogicRays Academy is the perfect place to start. Our React Native Course will provide you with all the skills and knowledge you need to be successful in this field. You will learn from experienced professionals who are passionate about their work and who will support and encourage you every step of the way. With our React Native Training in Ahmedabad, you will be equipped with everything you need to start your career in this field

What is React-Native?

React Native is a JavaScript-based mobile app framework created by Meta. It allows developers to create native apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. It uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. However, instead of using Swift, Kotlin, or Java, React Native uses JavaScript. This allows developers to write code that works on both platforms without learning two different programming languages.


One of the main benefits is its ability to allow for cross-platform development. This means that developers can create applications for multiple platforms at once, such as iOS and Android, without having to write code for each platform separately. This can save time, money, and resources for any business or organization that wants to release an application on both platforms. React Native also simplifies the development process by allowing developers to use JavaScript and React, popular and well-known development languages, rather than learning completely new languages for each platform.

Development efficiency
High performance
Easy to
why Logicrays Academy?
  • Get strong understanding of the JSX components
  • Benefit of gaining expertise in JavaScript
  • Industry-best technical experts to support you develop your React Native skills
  • Proven and well-tested teaching methods for the newbie programmers
  • Get benefit of job placement assistance

Give your creativity a new wing by learning React Native from us!

For any questions, you can contact us or visit LogicRays Academy center.

React Native Course Details
  • Introduction to World Wide Web
  • Introduction to World Wide Web
  • What is Web Designing
  • Home page and web page
  • What is Html?
  • Html editor (sublime3)
  • Extension .html or .htm
  • How to add images to web page
  • How to use the Anchor tag
  • Html Attributes
  • Html tags
  • How to write a paragraph in the web page
  • Hadding tag
  • Add basic style to text
  • How to add colors
  • Formatting of the text
  • Images File path
  • Images add in web page background or page title
  • HTML in List
  • HTML in Table
  • Block level tags
  • Inline tags
  • HTML Forms
  • Form-attribute
  • Input-types
  • Input-attributes
  • Introduction
  • What is CSS
  • Type of CSS
  • CSS Comments
  • How to add CSS In your HTML pages
  • Css Colors
  • Css selectors
  • Css borders Style
  • Css Border side and it's all property
  • Css Outline and it’s all property
  • Css offset
  • Css Margin and it’s Property
  • Css Padding and it’s all property
  • Css background and it’s property
  • Box model talking about design
  • Height and width Parameters
  • How to use font-family
  • Add google font
  • Font decoration
  • Font shadow Basic
  • Text alignments
  • Inside text add images
  • Text transformations
  • Text spacing
  • Responsive Font
  • How to use display & its properties
  • Element positions its property
  • Z-index
  • How to center an images
  • Layout-overflow
  • Css Float
  • Combinators selector and its types
  • Css opacity on image hover and div
  • How to create navbar and navs using ul and li
  • CSS counters and !Important rule
  • JavaScript Introducon:
    1. Do You Know?
    2. What is JavaScript ?
    3. JavaScript History
    4. Tools
    5. JavaScript and Java Same?
    6. Advantage of JavaScript
    7. Disadvantage of JavaScript
    8. Way of adding JavaScript
    9. Display
    10. Idenfier
    11. Variables
    12. Rules
    13. Keywords or Reserved Words
    14. Declaring Variable
    16. Geng input from user
  • JavaScript Operators
    1. Arithmec Operators
    2. Comparison (Relaonal) Operators
    3. Logical Operators
    4. Bitwise Operators
    5. Assignment Operators
  • prompt box
  • Condion statements
    1. If Statement
    2. If statement with logical operator
    3. If else Statement
    4. Else If Statement
    5. Switch Statement
  • Looping statements
    1. For Loop
    2. Nested For Loop
    3. While loop
    4. Nested While loop
    5. Do While Loop
    6. Nested Do While Loop
  • Control statements
    1. Break
    2. Connue
  • Function
    1. Type of Funcon
    2. Creang and Calling a Funcon
    3. Rules
    4. How Funcon Call Works
    5. Funcon with Parameters
    6. Call Funcon with Parameter
    7. Funcon Argument Missing
    8. Arguments Object
    9. Many Funcon Arguments
    10. Default Parameter
    11. Rest Parameters
    12. Rest Vs Arguments
    13. Return Statement
    14. Variable Scope
    15. Global Scope
    16. Local Scope
    17. Block Scope
    18. Variable Hoisng
    19. Closure
    20. Funcon Expression
    21. Anonymous Funcons
    22. Store Anonymous Funcon in Variable
    23. Passing Anonymous Funcon as Argument
    24. Returning Anonymous Funcon
    25. Arrow Funcon
    26. Immediately Invoked Funcon Expression (IIFE)
    27. Pass by Value
    28. Pass by reference
    29. Typeof operator
    30. Undefined
    31. Null
    32. Undefined Vs Null
    33. var, let and const
  • Array
    1. Declaraon and inializaon of Array
    2. Using Array Literal
    3. Using Array Constructor
    4. Important Points
    5. Accessing Array Elements
    6. Modifying Array Elements
    7. Removing Array Elements
    8. Length Property
    9. for loop with Array
    10. forEach Loop
    11. for of Loop
    12. Input from User in Array
    13. Muldimensional Array
  • Array Function
    1. Concat ( ) Method
    2. Join ( ) Method
    3. Reverse ( ) Method
    4. Slice( ) Method
    5. Splice ( ) Method
    6. toString( ) Method
    7. Array.isArray ( ) Method
    8. IndexOf ( ) Method
    9. Fill ( ) Method
    10. unshi ( ) Method
    11. Push ( ) Method
    12. Shi( ) Method
    13. pop( ) Method
    14. Map ( ) Method
  • Boolean
    1. Primive Values
    2. Boolean Funcon
    3. Boolean Constructor
  • String
    1. Primive
    2. Constructor
    3. Accessing String
    4. Access String
    5. String Concatenaon
    6. + Concat Operator
    7. Concat ( ) Method
    8. Escape Notaon
    9. Template Literal/ Template Strings
    10. Mulple Line String
    11. String Interpolaon
    12. Tagged Template
  • String Methods
    1. charAt ( )
    2. charCodeAt( )
    3. toUpperCase( )
    4. toLowerCase ( )
    5. Trim( )
    6. Replace ( )
    7. Split ( )
    8. indexOf( )
    9. Search ( )
    10. Slice ( )
    11. Substring( )
    12. Substr ( )
  • Numbers
    1. Primive
    2. Constructor
    3. Accessing Number
    4. Number with String
    5. NaN
    6. Global isNaN ( ) Method
    7. Infinity and – Infinity
    8. Number Methods
    9. toString( )
    10. toExponenal ( )
    11. toFixed ( )
    12. toPrecision ( )
    13. Number.isNaN()
    14. Number.isInteger( )
    15. Number.isSafeInteger
    16. Global JS Methods
    17. Number ( )
    18. parseInt ( )
    19. parseInt ( )
    20. parseFloat ( )
  • Math
    1. Properes
    2. Methods
  • Date
    1. Creating Date Object
    2. ISO Dates
    3. Short Date
    4. Long Date
    5. Set Date Methods
    6. Get Date Methods
    7. Converting Dates to String
    8. Methods
  • Object
    1. Object Oriented Programming
    2. Concepts of OOP
    3. Objects
    4. Type of Objects
    5. Declaration and initialization of Object
    6. Using Object Literal
    7. Using Object Constructor
    8. Accessing Properties
    9. Accessing Methods
    10. Adding Properties/Methods
    11. Deleting Properties
    12. Factory Function
    13. Factory Function with Parameter
    14. Constructor
    15. Constructor with Parameter
    16. Check Properties exist
    17. For in loop
    18. Class
    19. Defining a Class
    20. Private Properties and Methods
  • Prototype Inheritance
    1. Prototype
    2. Prototype Object
  • Class and Inheritance
    1. Class
    2. Class Declaration
    3. Constructor
    4. Default Constructor
    5. Parameterized Constructor
    6. Class Expression
    7. Class Hoisting
    8. Inheritance
    9. Class Inheritance
    10. Super
    11. Method Overriding
    12. Static Method
  • JavaScript Introducon:
    1. Do You Know ?
    2. Overview
  • Event
    1. What is Event
    2. Event Handler
    3. Event Binding with HTML Aribute
    4. Event Binding with JavaScript
    5. Overwring Event Handler
    6. DOM Event Model
    7. addEventListener ( )
    8. Why we should use addEventListener ( )
    9. removeEventListener ( )
    10. DOM Event Flow/ Event Propagaon
    11. Event Object
    12. Event Methods
    13. Mouse Event
    14. Focus Event
    15. Key Event
  • Window
    1. Window Object
    2. Dialog boxes
    3. alert ( ) Method
    4. confirm ( ) Method
    5. prompt ( ) Method
    6. open ( ) Method
    7. Features
  • Location
    1. Locaon Object
    2. Properes
    3. Methods
  • History
    1. History Object
    2. Properes
    3. Methods
  • Timeouts and Intervals
    1. setTimeout( ) Method
    2. clearTimeout( ) Method
    3. setInterval( ) Method
    4. clearInterval( ) Method
  • Window Events
  • Form Handling
    1. Properties
    2. Methods
  • Accessing Form And Fields
    1. Accessing Form
    2. Accessing Form Fields
  • What is Cookies
    1. Cookies
    2. How Cookie Works
    3. How Dangerous Cookies are
    4. Type of Cookies
  • Cookies in JavaScript
    1. JavaScript Cookies
    2. Creang Cookies
    3. max-age
    4. expires
    5. domain
    6. path
    7. secure
    8. Replace/Append Cookies
    9. Reading Cookie
    10. Deleng Cookies
    11. Updang Cookies
    12. Cookies Security Issues
    13. Cookies Limitaon
  • LocalStorage and SessionStorage
    1. Local Storage
    2. Methods
    3. Session Storage
    4. Methods
  • Exception Handling
    1. Exception
  • Callback Function
  • map Method
    1. map ( ) Method
  • Destructuring
    1. Destructuring
    2. Array Destructuring
    3. Array Passing to a Function
    4. Array Returning from a Function
    5. Nested Array Destructuring
    6. Object Destructuring
    7. Object Passing to a Function
    8. Object Returning from a Function
    9. Nested Object Destructuring
  • Import Export Modules
    1. What is Module
    2. Exporng Module
    3. Default Export
    4. Named Export
    5. Imporng Module
    6. Imporng Defaults
    7. Imporng Named
    8. Imporng All
    9. Imporng Default and Named
  • Spread Operator
  • Promise
    1. Promise
    2. How Promise works
    3. Creang Promise
    4. Funcon Returning a Promise
    5. then () Method
    6. Promise
    7. Chaining
    8. catch () Method
    9. finally () Method
    10. Chaining
  • Asyn and Await
    1. Asyn and Await
    2. Asyn Function
  • introduction_getting_started
  • installation
  • file_structure
  • First_change_with_Hello_World
  • Make_First_Component
  • Component_Type
  • functional_component
  • class_component
  • Props
  • State
  • Style
  • handle_texnput
  • simple_form
  • flex_box_basic
  • geng_start_with_react_navigaon
  • stack_navigaon
  • tab_navigaon
  • Drawer_navigaon
  • ScrollView
  • useState_(Hooks)_state_in_funconal_component
  • Life_cycle_Method
  • componentDidMount_life_cycle_method
  • FlatList
  • call_api
  • Form_Validaon
  • Debug_app_with_chrome
  • Share_data_in_screens_with_navigaon
  • Loader_(AcvityIndicator)
  • useEffect_hook
  • Modal_(popup)
  • use_icons
  • fetch_get_api_with_Axios
  • get_current_latude_longitude_geolocaon
  • build_apk_or_aab_file
  • app_Project_in _Setup_and_introducon
  • React_Navigaon_5_in _1_Installaon
  • React_Navigaon_5_in _2_Setup
  • React_Navigaon_5_in _3_pass_data_between_screens
  • React_Navigaon_5_in_39_Buon_in_Header_with_Event
  • React_Navigaon_5_in _40_Header_style_and_Config
  • React_Navigaon_5_in _41_Drawer_Navigaon
  • disable_back_buon_in_navigaon
  • Call_funcon_on_go_Back_of_previous_screen
  • How to build Apk File using android studio
  • How to change app Image
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