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Node Js Training at Logicrays Academy

Logicrays Academy help you start your journey in becoming a professional Node expert with its most sought-after training program. The curriculum designed by industry experts and technology consultants is on par with what is trending right now and gives you an opportunity to concrete your basics to apply your skills and knowledge in the industry.

With Node Js Training in Ahmedabad - LogicRays Academy, you will master yourself in using different events, stream and modules. Moreover, you will get understanding on how to communicate with database and debug the applications. Our professional trainers will help you learn the latest Express application framework, designing cutting-edge web applications and more…

What is Node JS?

Node js is a server technology that is used to design and develop a variety of web applications. The language is quite like other popular frameworks like Spring, ASP.NET or RoR. Learning Node js helps you get insights on how you can control web servers, design event-diagram programs, and various scripts for the web applications.

With Node js, you can develop social media apps, video and text chat engines, real-time tracking apps and more. Moreover, various popular online social media platforms like LinkedIn, Uber, Netflix etc. are leveraging from the power of Node.js.

Why You Need to Learn Node js?

Logicrays Academy offers expert authored Node.js training course to help you boost your software knowledge to the next level. Enrolling for the Node Js Training in Ahmedabad - LogicRays Academy will help you learn other facets of developing applications, including dependency management, templating, unit testing, deployment and more.

Real time
Why you should register at LogicRays Academy for learning Node js course in Ahmedabad?
  • Helps you leverage from cutting-edge ES6/ES7 javascript
  • Get mentored by the industry best Node.js experts
  • Hands-on experience working on real-world projects
  • Get benefit of job placement assistance

Master the latest Node js principles and practices from experts with best-in-class experience.

For any questions, you can contact us or visit LogicRays Academy center.

Node Js Course Details
  • Introduction to World Wide Web
  • What is Web Designing
  • Home page and web page
  • What is Html?
  • Html editor (sublime3)
  • Extension .html or .htm
  • How to add images to web page
  • How to use the Anchor tag
  • Html Attributes
  • Html tags
  • How to write a paragraph in the web page 
  • Hadding tag
  • Add basic style to text
  • How to add colors
  • Formatting of the text
  • Images File path
  • Images add in web page background or page title
  • Picture element 
  • HTML in List
  • HTML in Table
  • I-Frame
  • Block level tags
  • Inline tags
  • HTML Forms 
  • Form-attribute 
  • Input-types
  • Input-attributes 
  • Introduction 
  • What is CSS
  • Type of CSS
  • CSS Comments
  • How to add CSS In your HTML pages
  • Css Colors
  • Css selectors 
  • Css borders Style
  • Css Border side and it's all  property 
  • Css Outline and it’s all property 
  • Css Margin and it’s Property 
  • Css Padding and it’s all property 
  • Css background and it’s property 
  • Height and width Parameters
  • How to use font-family 
  • Add google font 
  • Font decoration
  • Text alignments
  • Inside text add images
  • Text transformations 
  • Text spacing 
  • Responsive Font 
  • How to use display & its properties
  • Element positions its property 
  • Z-index
  • How to center an images
  • Layout-overflow
  • Css Float
  • Css opacity on image hover and div
  • How to create navbar and navs using ul and li
  • How to create tooltip
  • Pseudo-classes 
  • Pseudo-elements
  • Anchor-pseudo-class
  • Before after Pseudo
  • How to add style in form
  • Create search Design with image
  • CSS counters and !Important rule
  • JavaScript Introduction:
    1. Do You Know?
    2. What is JavaScript ?
    3. JavaScript History
    4. Tools
    5. JavaScript and Java Same?
    6. Advantage of JavaScript
    7. Disadvantage of JavaScript
    8. Way of adding JavaScript
    9. Display
    10. Identifier
    11. Variables
    12. Rules
    13. Keywords or Reserved Words
    14. Declaring Variable
    16. Getting input from user
  • JavaScript Operators
    1. Arithmetic Operators
    2. Comparison (Relational) Operators
    3. Logical Operators
    4. Bitwise Operators
    5. Assignment Operators
  • prompt box
  • Condition statements
    1. If Statement
    2. If statement with logical operator
    3. If else Statement
    4. Else If Statement
    5. Switch Statement
  • Looping statements
    1. For Loop
    2. For Loop
    3. Nested For Loop
    4. While loop
    5. Nested While loop
    6. Do While Loop
    7. Nested Do While Loop
  • Control statements
    1. Break
    2. Continue
  • Function
    1. Type of Function
    2. Creating and Calling a Function
    3. Rules
    4. How Function Call Works
    5. Function with Parameters
    6. Call Function with Parameter
    7. Function Argument Missing
    8. Arguments Object
    9. Many Function Arguments
    10. Default Parameter
    11. Rest Parameters
    12. Rest Vs Arguments
    13. Return Statement
    14. Variable Scope
    15. Global Scope
    16. Local Scope
    17. Block Scope
    18. Variable Hoisting
    19. Closure
    20. Function Expression
    21. Anonymous Functions
    22. Store Anonymous Function in Variable
    23. Passing Anonymous Function as Argument
    24. Returning Anonymous Function
    25. Arrow Function
    26. Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
    27. Pass by Value
    28. Pass by reference
    29. Typeof operator
    30. Undefined
    31. Null
    32. Undefined Vs Null
    33. var, let and const
  • Array
    1. Declaration and initialization of Array
    2. Using Array Literal
    3. Using Array Constructor
    4. Important Points
    5. Accessing Array Elements
    6. Modifying Array Elements
    7. Removing Array Elements
    8. Length Property
    9. for loop with Array
    10. forEach Loop
    11. for of Loop
    12. Input from User in Array
    13. Multidimensional Array
  • Array Function
    1. Concat ( ) Method
    2. Join ( ) Method
    3. Reverse ( ) Method
    4. Slice( ) Method
    5. Splice ( ) Method
    6. toString( ) Method
    7. Array.isArray ( ) Method
    8. IndexOf ( ) Method
    9. Fill ( ) Method
    10. unshift ( ) Method
    11. Push ( ) Method
    12. Shift( ) Method
    13. pop( ) Method
    14. Map ( ) Method
    15. Filter() method
  • Boolean
    1. Primitive Values
    2. Boolean Function
    3. Boolean Constructor
  • String
    1. Primitive
    2. Constructor
    3. Accessing String
    4. Access String
    5. String Concatenation
    6. + Concat Operator
    7. Concat ( ) Method
    8. Escape Notation
    9. Template Literal/ Template Strings
    10. Multiple Line String
    11. String Interpolation
    12. Tagged Template
  • String Methods
    1. charAt ( )
    2. charCodeAt( )
    3. toUpperCase( )
    4. toLowerCase ( )
    5. Trim( )
    6. Replace ( )
    7. Split ( )
    8. indexOf( )
    9. Search ( )
    10. Slice ( )
    11. Substring( )
    12. Substr ( )
  • Numbers
    1. Primitive
    2. Constructor
    3. Accessing Number
    4. Number with String
    5. NaN
    6. Global isNaN ( ) Method
    7. Infinity and – Infinity
    8. Number Methods
    9. toString( )
    10. toExponential ( )
    11. toFixed ( )
    12. toPrecision ( )
    13. Number.isNaN()
    14. Number.isInteger( )
    15. Number.isSafeInteger
    16. Global JS Methods
    17. Number ( )
    18. parseInt ( )
    19. parseInt ( )
    20. parseFloat ( )
  • Math
    1. Properties
    2. Methods
  • Date
    1. Creating Date Object
    2. ISO Dates
    3. Short Date
    4. Long Date
    5. Set Date Methods
    6. Get Date Methods
    7. Converting Dates to String
    8. Methods
  • Object
    1. Object Oriented Programming
    2. Concepts of OOP
    3. Objects
    4. Type of Objects
    5. Declaration and initialization of Object
    6. Using Object Literal
    7. Using Object Constructor
    8. Accessing Properties
    9. Accessing Methods
    10. Adding Properties/Methods
    11. Deleting Properties
    12. Factory Function
    13. Factory Function with Parameter
    14. Constructor
    15. Constructor with Parameter
    16. Check Properties exist
    17. For in loop
    18. Class
    19. Defining a Class
    20. Private Properties and Methods
  • Prototype Inheritance
    1. Prototype
    2. Prototype Object
  • Class and Inheritance
    1. Class
    2. Class Declaration
    3. Constructor
    4. Default Constructor
    5. Parameterized Constructor
    6. Class Expression
    7. Class Hoisting
    8. Inheritance
    9. Class Inheritance
    10. Super
    11. Method Overriding
    12. Static Method
  • JavaScript Introduction:
    1. Do You Know?
    2. Overview
    3. DOM
      1. Document Object Model
      2. DOM Levels
      3. Categories of DOM
      4. Document Tree
      5. DOM Node Types
      6. Node Relationship
      7. DOM Node Properties
    4. Element Access Methods
      1. getElementById(“ID_Name”)
      2. getElementsByTagName(“Tag_Name”)
      3. getElementsByClassName(“Class_Name”)
      4. querySelector(“CSS Selector”)
      5. querySelectorAll(“CSS Selector”)
    5. Node Properties
      1. Properties of Node Object
      2. Properties of Node Object
      3. nodeValue
      4. nodeType
    6. DOM Traversal
      1. Node of an Element vs Element Node of an Element
      2. DOM Traversal
      3. parentNode and parentElement
      4. childNodes
      5. children
      6. firstChild
      7. firstElementChild
      8. lastChild
      9. lastElementChild
      10. previousSibling
      11. previousElementSibling
      12. nextSibling
      13. nextElementSibling
      14. ownerDocument
    7. Creating Nodes
      1. Creating Nodes
      2. Create Element Node
      3. Create Text Node
      4. Create Comment Node
      5. Document Fragment
      6. Create Document Fragment
    8. Appending Nodes
      1. Append Node
      2. normalize() method
    9. Inserting Nodes
      1. insertBefore ( ) Method
      2. insertAdjacentElement ( ) Method
      3. insertAdjacentHTML ( ) Method
      4. insertAdjacentText ( ) Method
    10. innerHTML
      1. innerHTML
      2. outerHTML
      3. innerText
      4. outerText
    11. documentwrite
      1. document.write( )
      2. document.writeln( )
    12. Copying Node
    13. Delete Node
    14. Replace Node
    15. Modifying Text Nodes
      1. Modifying Text Nodes
      2. Length
      3. Data
      4. appendData(String)
      5. deleteData(start, length)
      6. insertData(start, string)
      7. replaceData(start, length, string)
      8. splitText(start)
      9. substringData(start, length)
    16. HTML Attribute Vs DOM Property
    17. Manipulating Attributes
      1. Attributes
      2. Attr Object
      3. setAttribute( )
      4. getAttribute( )
      5. removeAttribute( )
      6. hasAttribute( )
    18. HTML DOM Mapping
    19. CSS DOM Mapping
    20. CSS Manipulation
      1. CSS Style Declaration Object
      2. Style Property
      3. Inline Style Manipulation
      4. Style Property
      5. Dynamic Style Manipulation
      6. DOMTokenList
      7. classList Property
      8. Computed Style
    21. DOM Table Manipulation
      1. HTMLTableElement
      2. Properties
      3. Methods
      4. HTMLTableSectionElement
      5. HTMLTableRowElement
    22. textContent
    23. Event
      1. What is Event
      2. Event Handler
      3. Event Binding with HTML Attribute
      4. Event Binding with JavaScript
      5. Overwriting Event Handler
      6. DOM Event Model
      7. addEventListener ( )
      8. Why we should use addEventListener ( )
      9. removeEventListener ( )
      10. DOM Event Flow/ Event Propagation
      11. Event Object
      12. Event Methods
      13. Mouse Event
      14. Focus Event
      15. Key Event
    24. Window
      1. Window Object
      2. Dialog boxes
      3. alert ( ) Method
      4. confirm ( ) Method
      5. prompt ( ) Method
      6. open ( ) Method
      7. Features
    25. Location
      1. Location Object
      2. Properties
      3. Methods
    26. History
      1. History Object
      2. Properties
      3. Methods
    27. Timeouts and Intervals
      1. setTimeout( ) Method
      2. clearTimeout( ) Method
      3. setInterval( ) Method
      4. clearInterval( ) Method
    28. Window Events
    29. Form Handling
      1. Properties
      2. Methods
    30. Accessing Form And Fields
      1. Accessing Form
      2. Accessing Form Fields
    31. What is Cookies
      1. Cookies
      2. How Cookie Works
      3. How Dangerous Cookies are
      4. Type of Cookies
    32. Cookies in JavaScript
      1. JavaScript Cookies
      2. Creating Cookies
      3. max-age
      4. expires
      5. domain
      6. path
      7. secure
      8. Replace/Append Cookies
      9. Reading Cookie
      10. Deleting Cookies
      11. Updating Cookies
      12. Cookies Security Issues
      13. Cookies Limitation
    33. LocalStorage and SessionStorage
      1. Local Storage
      2. Methods
      3. Session Storage
      4. Methods
    34. Exception Handling
      1. Exception
    35. Callback Function
    36. map Method
      1. map ( ) Method
    37. Destructuring
      1. Destructuring
      2. Array Destructuring
      3. Array Passing to a Function
      4. Array Returning from a Function
      5. Nested Array Destructuring
      6. Object Destructuring
      7. Object Passing to a Function
      8. Object Returning from a Function
      9. Nested Object Destructuring
    38. Import Export Modules
      1. What is Module
      2. Exporting Module
      3. Default Export
      4. Named Export
      5. Importing Module
      6. Importing Defaults
      7. Importing Named
      8. Importing All
      9. Importing Default and Named
    39. Spread Operator
    40. Promise
      1. Promise
      2. How Promise works
      3. Creating Promise
      4. Function Returning a Promise
      5. then () Method
      6. Promise
      7. Chaining
      8. catch () Method
      9. finally () Method
      10. Chaining
    41. Asyn and Await
      1. Asyn and Await
      2. Asyn Function
  • Introduction
  • installation
  • First Program
  • Make Server | Output on Browser
  • Anonymous and Callback Function
    1. Make Module and Import File
  • HTTP Protocol
    1. Make First API with HTTP module
  • Make First Html web page
  • NPM (node package manager )
  • send Mail from local server
  • Nodemon | change without restart server
  • Read file | File system
  • connect with MySQL
  • event an eventEmitter
  • express js install | introduction
  • Routing with express js
  • Middleware
  • Open file with Router
  • Template Engine (ejs)
  • Dynamic Content
  • Make common header
  • Add static file | add css
  • make form and query string
  • Connect with mongo DB | Altas cloud
  • Define Model for MongoDb
  • Get data from mongodb
  • insert data collection | mongodb
  • make form and query string
  • Make get API | mongoose| express js
  • make post API | mongoose| express js
  • Delete post API | mongoose| express js
  • Put API | mongoose| express js
  • Search API | mongoose| express js
  • JWT authentication | setup
  • User Registration JWT |
  • Generate JWT token
  • Login with JWT
  • Apply JWT token on API
  • JavaScript Fundamentals in Node
  • Core Modules
  • All About Package.json file
  • Getting input from command line
  • Handle Asynchronous Data
    1. How Node js Works
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