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MERN Stack Training at Logicrays Academy

Logicrays Academy helps you start your journey in becoming a professional MERN Stack developer.The course curriculum is designed and handpicked by experienced professionals in MERN Stack.

MERN Stack training will help you learn the development of both the front-end and back-end parts of web applications.MERN stack training at Ahmedabad - LogicRays Academy makes the aspirants expert in different technologies and tools of MERN stack used for web application development.

What is MERN Stack?

MERN Stack is one of the most in-demand and popular Full Stack Web Development Technology.The main purpose of using MERN Stack is all technologies that make up the technology stack are all JavaScript-based. Thus, if anyone knows JavaScript, the backend, frontend, and database can be operated easily.
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js

  1. MongoDB is a schemaless NoSQL database system
  2. Express JS is a NodeJS framework used to build web applications in Node
  3. React is a JavaScript Library for building user interfaces
  4. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment to use javascript server-side.
Why You Need to Learn MERN Stack?

In the industry there is a huge demand for MERN Stack developers because these professionals are a valuable asset to any company.Be it a small, medium or big company, all are hunting for the MERN stack professionals.

MERN Stack Developer course at Logicrays Academy you will learn different basic and advanced concepts in MERN Stack, including MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js in production through different implementation and practical sessions.You will acquire in-depth knowledge on full stack web development and can develop web mobile apps proficiently.

High End Performance
Easy Scalability
Community Support
Both Development Cycles
Why you should register at LogicRays Academy for learning MERN Stack course in Ahmedabad?
  • MERN is a 3-tier architecture that includes frontend, backend, and database using JavaScript and JSON.
  • Helps you to avoid unnecessary groundwork and keeps your application well organized
  • Build an end-to-end javascript application with exciting features and test it
  • Hands-on experience working on real-world projects
  • Get benefit of job placement assistance

For any questions, you can contact us or visit LogicRays Academy center.

MERN Stack Course Details
  • Basic Knowledge of JavaScript and OOPS
  • Basic knowledge of sql
  • Introduction to NoSQL Database
    1. What is NoSQL?
    2. Difference between NoSQL and RDBMS
    3. Benefits of NoSQL
    4. Document Oriented vs. Other types of Storage
  • Introduction & Installation of MongoDB
    1. Introduction to MongoDB
    2. Design Goals
    3. Data Types
    4. JSON Introduction
    5. JSON Structure
    6. Installing MongoDB
    7. Data Modeling
    8. Create Database
    9. Drop Database
  • MongoDB Collection
    1. Introduction to Collection
    2. Collection Vs Tables
    3. Create Collection
    4. Drop Collection
    5. Case Sensitivity in MongoDB
  • CRUD Operations in MongoDB
    1. Introduction to document
    2. Insert document
    3. Querying Document
    4. Updating Document
    5. Deleting Document
  • MongoDB Operator
    1. Query and Projection Operators
    2. Comparison Operator
    3. Logical Operator
    4. Element Operator
    5. Evaluation Operator
    6. MongoDB limit()
    7. MongoDB sort()
    8. Querying Arrays
    9. Querying Embedded Documents
    10. Cursor
  • Aggregation in MongoDB
    1. Introduction to Aggregation Pipeline
    2. $match
    3. $project
    4. Arithmetic Expression Operators
    5. Boolean Expression Operators
    6. String Expression Operators
    7. Date Expression Operators
    8. Array Expression Operators
    9. Conditional Expression Operators
    10. $AddFields
    11. Cursor Stages
    12. $group
    13. $bucket and $bucketAuto
    14. $facet
    15. $sortbyCount
    16. $limit and $sort
    17. $unwind
    18. $out
    19. variables in aggregation expressions
  • MongoDB Atlas
    1. Overview
    2. Configuration
    3. Connecting to mongoDB Atlas
  • Introduction to mongoose
    1. What is ORM/ODM
    2. Installing mongoose
    3. Connecting to mongodb from mongoose
  • Core concepts of Mongoose
    1. Understanding mongoose schemas and data types
    2. Working with Models
    3. Using modifiers in schema
    4. Validation of model data
    5. CRUD operations with Mongoose
  • Introduction to ExpressJS
    1. What is express
    2. Installing express
    3. creating an express application
    4. configuring routes
    5. Add middlewares
    6. Request Object
    7. Response Objects
  • Template Engines
    1. What are template engines
    2. Installing Template Engine
    3. jade/ Handlebar/ ejs
  • Building an Express App
    1. Create an express app using express-generator
    2. MVC pattern
    3. Generating HTML view with templating engine
    4. Handling form data
    5. Error Handling
    6. Add static files (JS / CSS)
    7. Setting up Router
    8. Route parameters and queries
    9. Modifying data through PUT requests
    10. Handling GET requests returning JSON
  • RESTful API
    1. What is RESTful mean
    2. REST Architecture
    3. HTTP methods
    4. HTTP response
    5. Creating RESTful APIs
    6. Testing REST APIs
    7. POSTMAN Tool
  • Javascript ES6 Features
    1. What is ES6
    2. What is bable
    3. var, let & const keywords
    4. Template literals
    5. Arrow functions
    6. Spread Operator and Rest Parameter
    7. Destructuring Assignments (Object and Array)
    8. Array.map()
    9. Class
    10. Inheritance
    11. Static properties and methods
    12. Callback funtions
    13. Promises
    14. async and await keywords
    15. Modules
  • Typescript
    1. Introduction
      1. What is TypeScript?
      2. Benefits of TypeScript
      3. Setup the Environment
      4. First TypeScript Example
      5. Adding watch to TS File
      6. JavaScript & Typescript
    2. TypeScript Data Types and Variables
      1. Primitive types & type inference
      2. Object type & type inference
      3. Function type & type inference
      4. Enums, Tuples
      5. Nullable types
      6. Union types, intersection types
      7. Never and void types
    3. OOPS in typescript
      1. Classes, Class properties, Static Properties
      2. Constructors, getters & setters
      3. Inheritance, Abstract classes, interface
  • Introduction to React
    1. What is React?
    2. Why do we use React?
    3. React version history
    4. Features of React
    5. Advantages and Disadvantages of React
    6. Library vs. Framework
    7. React vs Angular
    8. React vs React Native
  • ReactJS Environment setup
    1. Node Setup
    2. How to use NPM?
    3. How to create package.json and purpose of it
    4. Reactjs browser plugin
    5. React Project Using create-react-app
    6. Anatomy of react project
    7. Running the Project
    8. Debugging first react app
  • Templating using JSX
    1. Working with React.createElement
    2. Introduction of Virtual DOM
    3. What and Why JSX
    4. How does JSX work
    5. Expressions in JSX
    6. Using logical operators
    7. Specifying attributes
    8. Specifying children
    9. JS vs JSX
  • Components
    1. Significance of component architecture
    2. Why Components
    3. Types of components - Functional, Class based
    4. Import and export components
    5. Child component
    6. Nested components
    7. Lift the state up
    8. What is ReactJS render()
    9. Pure component
    10. Higher order components
  • Working with state and props
    1. What are Props
    2. Passing data to component using props
    3. Children props
    4. What is state and its significance
    5. Read state and update state
  • Event handling in React
    1. What are React events
    2. Understanding Synthetic event
    3. Passing arguments to event handlers
  • Understanding Component Lifecycle
    1. Mounting Phase
    2. Updating Phase
    3. Unmounting Phase
    4. Error Handling Phase
  • Working with Forms
    1. Controlled components
    2. Uncontrolled components
    3. Form Validations
    4. Submitting Form
    5. Formik Library
    6. defaultValue prop
    7. Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element
    8. Forwarding ref
  • Fragment
    1. What is React Fragment
    2. Benefits of React.Fragment
    3. Fragment Short Syntax
  • Conditional Rendering
    1. If else
    2. Javascript variable
    3. Ternary operator
    4. Short circuit operator
  • React Styles
    1. Inline Styles
    2. CSS Stylesheet
    3. CSS Modules
    4. Styled-Components
    5. bootstrap
    6. React-bootstrap
  • Context
    1. What is context
    2. When to use context
    3. Create Context
    4. Context.Provider
    5. Context.Consumer
  • Error Boundaries
  • Routing with React Router
    1. Setting up react router
    2. Understand routing in single page applications
    3. Working with BrowserRouter
    4. Configuring route with Route component
    5. Using Routes component to define routing rules
    6. Making routes dynamic using route params
    7. Working with nested routes
    8. Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
    9. Redirect routes
    10. Path less Route to handle failed matches
    11. Authentication and Protected Routes
  • React Hooks
    1. Hooks Introduction
    2. When to use Hooks?
    3. useState
    4. useEffect
    5. useRef
    6. useNavigate
    7. useContext
    8. useMemo
    9. Custom Hooks
  • React-Redux
    1. What is redux
    2. Why redux
    3. Redux principles
    4. Install and setup redux
    5. Creating actions, reducer and store
    6. What is React Redux
    7. Why React Redux
    8. Install and setup
    9. Presentational vs Container components
    10. Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage
    11. Adding middleware
  • Introduction to NodeJS
    1. What is NodeJS
    2. Advantages of NodeJS
    3. JavaScript vs NodeJS
    4. Introduction to Asynchronous Programming
    5. Event Loop
    6. Event Driven Architecture
  • Nodejs Basics
    1. Downloading and installing NodeJS
    2. Create a simple node application
    3. Working in REPL
    4. NodeJS console
    5. Nodemon
  • NodeJS Modules
    1. Function
    2. What is Module
    3. Core Module
    4. Local Module
    5. Third Party Module
    6. Module exports and require function
  • Node Package Manager
    1. What is NPM
    2. package.json and package-lock.json files
    3. Installing Packages Locally
    4. Installing Packages Globally
    5. Adding dependency in package.json
    6. Updating packages
  • File System
    1. reading a file sync and async
    2. writing to file sync and async
    3. append file
    4. opening a file
    5. deleting a file
    6. other IO operations
  • Creating Web Server
    1. Creating a Web Server
    2. HTTP Protocol
    3. When to use HTTP and HTTPs
    4. server port and listening
    5. Http requests and response
    6. Request and response headers and body
    7. Building a simple HTTP server with static files
    8. Send mail from local server
  • Utility Modules
    1. OS module
    2. Path module
    3. Net Module
    4. DNS Module
    5. Domain Module
  • Debugging NodeJS Application
    1. Core NodeJS Debugger
  • Realtime programming with Socket.io
  • Build an Ecommerce application using MERN Stack (demonstrate actual usage of all technologies combined)
  • Collaborating with Git
    1. VCS & Git Repositories
    2. Staging Area & Commits
    3. Working with Branches Issues & Pull Requests
  • Deploy Application on Netlify/Vercel
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