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Angular Training at Logicrays Academy

In the last few years we have witnessed tremendous changes and major developments in every sector, specifically Web Development has seen the rise of new methods to make stuff easy, fast, and better responsive, and for the same reason, Angular came into existence.

With Angular Training at Ahmedabad - LogicRays Academy, you will become a master in concepts like DOM manipulation, REST API communication, Deploying Angular CLI, Dependency Injection, TypeScript. Our training provides assignments and real time projects which have immense implications in industries.

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source javascript framework for building dynamic and interactive single-page client applications using HTML and Typescript. Angular is written in TypeScript and maintained by Google.

Angular is an opinionated framework that specifies a certain style and certain rules that developers need to follow and adhere to while developing apps with Angular.


Take your web developer career to the next level with Logicrays Academy. After completing this Angular training with LogicRays Academy, you will be able to build dynamic, responsive, and interactive web applications using concepts like Angular Components, Modules,Data Binding, Forms, Pipes, Services and Dependency Injection, Routing, Communication with backend services over HTTP protocol, Authentication with JWT, Deployment and more.

Development efficiency
High performance
Easy to
Real time
Why you should register at LogicRays Academy for learning Angular course in Ahmedabad?
  • Angular has great community support as it is written in JavaScript and maintained by Google.
  • Benefit of gaining expertise in JavaScript
  • Get mentored by the industry best Angular experts
  • Hands-on experience working on real-world projects
  • Get benefit of job placement assistance

Master the latest Angular Framework and practices from experts with best-in-class experience.

For any questions, you can contact us or visit LogicRays Academy center.

Angular Js Course Details
  • HTML
    1. Introduction to HTML
    2. HTML Elements
    3. HTML Tags
    4. HTML Anchor Tag
    5. Images
    6. HTML List
    7. HTML Table
    8. HTML Form
    9. Div And Span
  • CSS
    1. What is CSS?
    2. CSS Syntax
    3. CSS Boxes and CSS Selector
    4. Font Formatting with CSS
    5. Apply CSS in HTML files
  • JavaScript
    1. JavaScript Basics
      1. How does the web work?
      2. Purpose of Scripting language
      3. History of JavaScript
      4. Libraries of JavaScript
      5. Versions of JavaScript
      6. What is JavaScript?
      7. Applications of JavaScript
      8. JavaScript Syntax
      9. JavaScript in HTML File
      10. JavaScript Variables
      11. Controls statements in JavaScript
      12. Running JavaScript code using The Console
      13. Alerts in JS
      14. User input using prompt.
      15. What is Function
        1. Parameter less and Parameterized
      16. Passing values to function using
        1. Prompt
        2. Text box
      17. Accessing values of the controls using name and Id Property.
      18. Button Events.
      19. CSS in JavaScript
    2. JavaScript Objects
      1. What is a JavaScript Object?
        1. Creating Objects in JavaScript
        2. Defining Methods in JavaScript Object
        3. JavaScript Object Methods list
      2. What is JavaScript DOM?
      3. Important JavaScript Native Objects:
        1. Javascript - Number
        2. Javascript – Strings
        3. Javascript - Date
        4. Javascript - Arrays
        5. Javascript – Math
    3. JavaScript Advanced
      1. What is BOM and DOM
      2. BOM objects ,its properties and methods.
        1. Window object
        2. Navigator object
        3. Screen object
      3. DOM object
        1. getElementById()
        2. getElementByName()
        3. getElementByTagName()
        4. innerHTML
      4. JS Form validation
        1. JS Email validation
      5. JSON Introduction
        1. What is JSON
        2. Why JSON
        3. JSON Syntax
        4. JSON Array and Object
  • Introduction
    1. What is TypeScript?
    2. Benefits of TypeScript
    3. Setup the Environment
    4. First TypeScript Example
    5. Adding watch to TS File
    6. JavaScript & Typescript
  • TypeScript Data Types and Variables
    1. Primitive types & type inference
    2. Object type & type inference
    3. Function type & type inference
    4. Enums, Tuples
    5. Nullable types
    6. Union types, intersection types
    7. Never and void types
  • OOPS in typescript
    1. Classes, Class properties, Static Properties
    2. Constructors, getters & setters
    3. Inheritance, Abstract classes
    4. Interface Declaration and Initialization with an object
    5. Duck Typing
    6. Interface Implementation by class
    7. Interface having Optional Property
    8. Class extending another class and also implementing an Interface
  • Introduction and Environment Setup
    1. Introduction to Angular Framework, History & Overview
    2. What is Angular 12
    3. Library vs. Framework
    4. Architecture of Angular Apps
    5. Environment Setup
    6. Angular CLI, Installing Angular CLI
    7. NPM commands & package.json
    8. Bootstrapping Angular App, Components, AppModule
    9. Project Setup, Editor Environments
    10. First Angular App & Directory Structure
    11. Angular Fundamentals, Building Blocks
    12. MetaData
    13. Role of module and component
  • Essentials of Angular
    1. Component Basics
    2. Setting up the templates
    3. Creating Components using CLI
    4. Nesting Components
    5. Understanding Component Lifecycle Hooks
  • Data Binding
    1. Property Binding and String Interpolation
    2. Event Binding
    3. Two-way data binding
    4. Input Properties, Output Properties, Passing Event Data
  • Component Communication & Content Projection
    1. Parent to Child
    2. Child to Parent
    3. Sibling Communication
    4. Viewchild & ViewChildren
    5. Event Emitter
    6. Single,multiple,conditional content projection
  • Templates, Styles & Directives
    1. Template, Styles, View Encapsulation, adding bootstrap to angular app
    2. Built-in Directives
    3. Creating Attribute Directive
    4. Building Structural Directives
  • Pipes
    1. Why pipes are useful
    2. Parametrized Pipes
    3. Chaining Multiple Pipes
    4. Creating a Custom Pipe
    5. Creating a Filter Pipe
    6. Pure and Impure Pipes (or: How to "fix" the Filter Pipe)
    7. Understanding the "async" Pipe
  • Form Creation using Template Driven
  • Form creation using Reactive Form
  • Form validation in Form
  • Custom Validator
  • Services
  • Dependency Injections
  • Creating Data Service
  • Understanding Hierarchical Injector
  • Services for Cross Component Communication
  • Injection Tokens
  • Basics of Observables & Promises
  • Analyzing a Built-in Angular Observable
  • Building & Using a First Simple Observable
  • Building & Using a Custom Observable from Scratch
  • Understanding Observable Operators
  • Using Subjects to pass and listen to data
  • App & Backend Setup
  • Sending Requests (Example: POST Request)
  • Adjusting Request Headers
  • Sending GET Requests
  • Sending a PUT Request
  • Catching Http Errors
  • Working with JSON Data
  • Introduction to Routing
  • Configuring & Navigating
  • Parameterized routes
  • Introduction to Routing
    1. How Authentication works in SPA
    2. JWT Module
    3. JSON Web Tokens
    4. Signup, Login and logout application
    5. Router Protection, Route Guards
    6. CanActivate interface
    7. Checking and using Authentication Status
    8. Router Protection and Redirection
  • New CLI(s) in Angular 12
    1. Understanding new and deprecated CLI(s) in Angular12
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