advance mern stack interview questions

Top 11 Advance MERN Stack Developer Interview Questions And Answers

November 22, 2023

Are you gearing up for a Advance MERN stack interview? If so, you’re probably experiencing a blend of anticipation and apprehension. Mastering the nuances of the MERN stack is essential for web developers aiming to stay at the forefront of their field. Although it’s impossible to anticipate every question you might face in an interview, concentrating on specific crucial topics can enhance your confidence and readiness. In this guide, we’ll delve into prevalent Advance MERN stack developer interview questions and offer insights on answering them with poise. Dive in for a deeper understanding.

Advance MERN Stack Developer Interview Questions and Answer

advance mern stack interview

Question 1: What is Babel, and why is it commonly used in React projects?

Answer: Babel is a JavaScript compiler. It is used in React projects. It allows developers to write modern JavaScript code while ensuring it is compatible with older browsers. Babel transforms the latest features of JavaScript into a version that can be run on any browser, making it easier for developers to write code that works seamlessly across different platforms. With Babel, developers can write code that is more concise and expressive, improving the overall quality of the codebase.

Question 2: What is a component in React, and how do you create one?

Answer: A component in React is a reusable building block for creating user interfaces. It lets developers break down complex UIs into smaller, more manageable pieces. You can use the React: create Class method or the ES6 class syntax to create a component. Once you have defined your component, you can use it in other parts of your application by importing it and rendering it as a tag within your JSX code. Components can also accept props, which pass data and functionality down from a parent component. Overall, components are a fundamental concept in React and a powerful tool for building dynamic, modular UIs.


Question 3: What is Redux, and how does it manage state in a React application?

Answer: Redux is a popular open-source library for managing state in a React application. It provides a predictable and centralized way of working the state of an application, making it easier to debug and maintain. Redux keeps a single source of truth, the store, which holds the entire application state. Whenever an action is dispatched, the store’s state is updated based on the logic defined in the corresponding reducer function. It ensures that the state is always consistent and up-to-date across all application components. Additionally, Redux allows for easy integration with other libraries and tools, making it a powerful tool for managing application state.

Question 4: Explain the purpose of CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) in the context of MERN stack development?

Answer: CORS, or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, is essential in MERN stack development. Its purpose is to allow web applications running on one domain to access resources located on a different domain. It is necessary because it enables developers to make dynamic and interactive web applications that can access data from multiple sources. With CORS, web applications could access resources on their domain, severely limiting their functionality. By allowing cross-origin requests, CORS enables developers to create more robust and flexible web applications that provide users with a better experience.

Question 5: What is RESTful API, and how does it relate to Express.js?

Answer: RESTful API follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST). It is a way of designing web services that lets users access and manipulate data using a uniform and predefined set of operations. Express.js is a popular web application framework for Node.js that is often used for developing RESTful APIs. It provides a simple and flexible way to create APIs that can handle HTTP requests and responses and easily integrate with other middleware and database systems. Using Express.js, developers can easily create RESTful APIs that are scalable, maintainable, and easy to use.

Question 6: What are the advantages of using MongoDB over traditional relational databases?

Answer: When it comes to databases, MongoDB has several advantages over traditional relational databases. One of the most significant advantages is its flexibility. With MongoDB, you can store data in a way that makes sense for your application without worrying about predefined table structures and relationships. It can make development faster and more efficient.

Another advantage of MongoDB is its scalability. Because it can handle large amounts of data, it can grow with your application without sacrificing performance. It is essential for applications that are expected to increase.

Additionally, MongoDB offers powerful indexing and querying capabilities, making it easier to find and manipulate data. It can be beneficial for applications that perform complex searches or aggregations.

Finally, MongoDB is open source, which means that a large community of developers is constantly improving it. It can lead to faster updates and bug fixes and the ability to customize the database to fit your specific needs.

MongoDB has many advantages over traditional relational databases, including flexibility, scalability, powerful indexing and querying, and open-source development.

Question 7: Explain the concept of middleware in Express.js.

Answer: Middleware in Express.js refers to a function that has access to an HTTP request’s request and response objects. It is a way to add functionality to an application without modifying the core code. Middleware can be used for logging, authentication, and error-handling tasks. It is typically added to the application using the app. use() method in Express.js. Using middleware, developers can keep their code organized and modular, making it easier to maintain and update.

Question 8: How can you deploy a MERN stack application to a production server?

Answer: To deploy a MERN stack application to a production server, you must ensure that your application is fully functional and stable. It means thoroughly testing it and fixing any bugs or errors that may arise.

Once you have a stable application, you can begin the deployment process. First, you must select a hosting provider supporting the MERN stack. Once you have chosen a provider, you must create a production build of your application using a tool like Webpack.

Next, you must set up your production server and configure it to run your MERN stack application. It may involve installing the necessary software and dependencies, setting up the appropriate environment variables, and configuring your web server.

Finally, you can upload your production build to your server and start your application. You should also configure your server to automatically restart your application in case of a crash or error.

With these steps completed, your MERN stack application should be successfully deployed to your production server and ready for use.

Question 9: What is the difference between MERN Stack and MEAN Stack development?

Answer: MERN Stack and MEAN Stack are popular web development stacks used to build robust and dynamic web applications. The main difference between the two stacks is the programming language used for the backend development. MERN Stack uses Node.js for backend development, while MEAN Stack uses AngularJS. Additionally, MERN Stack uses React for frontend development, Both stacks have unique advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them ultimately depends on the project’s specific needs.

Question 10: What do you know about Dependency Injection?

Answer: Dependency Injection is a design pattern that helps to reduce coupling between different parts of a software application. It is a technique where an object’s dependencies are injected into it rather than the object itself creating them. It allows for more flexible and modular code, as the objects can be easily swapped or modified without affecting the rest of the application. It also makes testing and debugging more accessible, as dependencies can be easily mocked or replaced for testing purposes. Dependency Injection is a powerful tool for creating maintainable and scalable software applications.

Question 11: What do you understand about Scaffolding in Express.js?

Answer: Scaffolding in Express.js refers to generating a basic structure or framework for a web application. It allows developers to quickly set up a project with pre-configured settings and dependencies, saving time and effort. Scaffolding tools may include generators for routes, controllers, models, views, and other essential features like error handling and authentication. By providing a starting point for development, scaffolding can help streamline the process of building web applications and ensure consistency across projects.

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